https:\/\/\/sv\/1a13898c-190537bfe6e\/1a13898c-190537bfe6e.mp4<\/a><\/video><\/div>\n\u5fb7\u56fd\u74e6\u683c\u7eb3\u516c\u53f8\u6ce8\u91cd\u4e8e\u65b0\u4ea7\u54c1\u7684\u7814\u5236\u548c\u5f00\u53d1\uff0c\u6ee1\u8db3\u6d82\u88c5\u9ad8\u54c1\u8d28\u3001\u9ad8\u6548\u76ca\u53ca\u73af\u4fdd\u65b9\u9762\u7684\u9700\u6c42\u3002\u516c\u53f8\u751f\u4ea7\u7684\u7c89\u672b\u3001\u6cb9\u6f06\u55b7\u6d82\u8bbe\u5907\u5177\u6709\u6280\u672f\u542b\u91cf\u9ad8\u3001\u751f\u4ea7\u6548\u7387\u9ad8\u3001\u8fd0\u884c\u6210\u672c\u4f4e\u7684\u7279\u70b9\uff0c\u4ea7\u54c1\u5728\u6d82\u88c5\u9886\u57df\u91cc\u5904\u4e8e\u4e16\u754c\u5730\u4f4d\u7535\u8bdd\uff1a 021-51085161
\n\u4f20\u771f\uff1a 021-51870910
\n\u4f18\u52bf\u4ea7\u54c1 E65-93221-H200-H020
\n\u4f18\u52bf\u4ea7\u54c1 FDC-1100
\nWagner 390915 \u55b7\u5634\u56fa\u5b9a\u5668
\nWagner 390325 \u55b7\u5634
\nWagner 3131047 Filterpatrone KE 2767 TI 15-10 \u6ee4\u82af
\nWagner EPG-SpraintX+PEM-X1CG
\nWagner Insert filterRed 180MA\/0.084 nn MW 0034383
\nWagner Compression spring 1.4*5.7mm 9994273
\nWAGNER Encoder gun SS without hose package
\nJ. Wagner GmbH Pneumatic diaphragm pump ZIP52 with two couples of diaphragm,and two pneumatic directional valve seals
\nSuction hose, emulsion
\nFlex suction hose DN13-M36x2-S
\nValve seat ring
\nSealing nipple
\nFitting assy.
\nSuction hose nipple
\nSet screw
\nValve guide
\nHandle sealing washer
\nCompression spring
\nHSA Materialheater A32 Ex 2-circuit
\nSwitch shaft assy.
\nTemperature limiter
\nHeating element for A32Ex
\nRegulator assy
\nHSA-Wall bracket for A32Ex
\nMains cable
\nHousing A32 Ex 2R
\nHousing A32 Ex 1R
\nOper. Man. A34 Ex paint heater GER
\nOper. man. A32 Ex 1R + 2R GER\/ENG\/FRE\/I
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nFilter insert
\nSupport element
\nCentering ring
\nStandard tip 111
\nStandard tip 113
\nStandard tip 115
\nTip standard special
\nNOZZLE Standard 209
\nStandard tip 211
\nStandard tip 213
\nStandard tip 215
\nStandard tip 217
\nStandard tip 219
\nStandard tip 221
\nStandard tip 223
\nStandard tip 225
\nStandard tip 227
\nStandard tip 231
\nStandard tip 235
\nStandard tip 243
\nStandard tip 309
\nStandard tip 311
\nStandard tip 313
\nStandard tip 315
\nStandard tip 317
\nStandard tip 319
\nStandard tip 321
\nTip standard 005\/40
\nStandard tip 407
\nStandard tip 409
\nStandard tip 411
\nTip standard 413
\nStandard tip 415
\nStandard tip 417
\nStandard tip 419
\nStandard tip 421
\nStandard tip 423
\nStandard tip 425
\nStandard tip 427
\nStandard tip 431
\nStandard tip 435
\nStandard tip 507
\nStandard tip 509
\nStandard tip 511
\nStandard tip 513
\nStandard tip 515
\nStandard tip 517
\nStandard tip 519
\nStandard tip 521
\nStandard tip 523
\nStandard tip 525
\nStandard tip 527
\nStandard tip 531
\nStandard tip 535
\nStandard tip 543
\nStandard tip 552
\nStandard tip 609
\nStandard tip 611
\nStandard tip 613
\nStandard tip 615
\nStandard tip 617
\nStandard tip 619
\nStandard tip 621
\nStandard tip 623
\nStandard tip 625
\nStandard tip 627
\nStandard tip 629
\nStandard tip 631
\nStandard tip 635
\nTip standard 043\/60
\nStandard tip 715
\nStandard tip 717
\nStandard tip 719
\nStandard tip 723
\nStandard tip 813
\nStandard tip 815
\nStandard tip 819
\nStandard tip 821
\nStandard tip 823
\nStandard tip 825
\nStandard tip 827
\nSuction manifold asm
\nFlex suction hose DN25-M36x2-S
\nSealing cone
\nDistributor 530bar
\nFilter housing
\nHollow screw
\nFilter insert 150-mesh f. 97068
\nFilter insert 200-mesh f. 97068
\nFilter insert 250-mesh f. 97068
\nFilter insert 60-mesh f. 97068
\nFilter insert 30-mesh f. 97068
\nExhaust hose nipple
\nSuction fitting
\nSeal kit ball valve
\nDrive coupler
\nFilter insert assy.
\nPiston rod
\nDamping washer
\nControl spool
\nGuide bushing
\nSpring guide
\nLower sleeve
\nUpper sleeve
\nCompression spring
\nV-packing teflon 4
\nOverflow pipe
\nThreaded plug
\nBearing pin
\nAir motor NW 130
\nPressure transducer
\nBall valve assy.
\nFlex suction hose DN13-M36x2-S-PTFE
\nPump 70cm3 32-150\/90
\nHousing for 2K-ND
\nValve 2-K
\nReturn hose assy.
\nRotary knob unit
\nSuction manifold assy.
\nMixing block assy.
\nMixing block assy.
\nPillow block
\nBall valve
\nSupport plate
\nValve housing
\nBall, thrust
\nAdjuster screw
\nHexagon key
\nLock screw
\nDouble nipple with 2×60\u00b0
\nFunction Sticker
\nFixing plate
\nHollow screw
\nPillow block
\nName plate
\nReducing double nipple with 1×60\u00b0
\nSealing ring
\nConnection fitting G 1\/4
\nSealing bushing
\nTurcon-Glyd ring
\nPlug Spindle SW12N
\nSealing ring
\nCover plate
\nFixing plate
\nSide piece, left
\nMixing block
\nCrosshead 10
\nThreaded connector N
\n“intake hose DN13-1,2m-M36\/G3\/8″””””
\nReturn hose without tube
\nSealing ring
\nEarthing cable assy.
\nCheck valve assy. 530 bar
\nValve housing internal
\nPiston 40-S 2K assy.
\nValve seat ring rework
\nBall guide rework
\nMixing tube assy.
\nMixing tube assy.
\nService kit, multiway valve catalyst
\nService kit, multiway valve base compone
\nOp.manual 2K 12-90\/40 P21 ENG
\ 48-90\/40 P21 ENG
\nOp.manual 2K 48-150\/90 P21 GER
\nService-Set 3-Wege-Kugelhahn
\nSpherical ring
\nPiston rod
\nDiaphragm rubber
\nControl valve assy.
\nCompression spring
\nPaint stage 18S PE+TG (ET)
\nBottom piece
\nCover assy.
\nPiston pump 22-18S\/stand
\nPiston seal
\nValve cone
\nSet screw
\nControl sleeve
\nCurved suction tube assy.
\nIntermediate housing
\nInlet valve body
\nDistance piece
\nRing nut
\nBall guide A
\nValve seat
\nBall guide E
\nInlet valve seat
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring
\nSpring pin
\nSealing washer
\nPacking PE 22.2\/34
\nPacking TG 22.2\/34
\nPacking PE 15.85\/27.5
\nPacking TG 15.85\/27.5
\nPacking T 22.2\/34
\nPacking T 15.85\/27.5
\nIntermediate housing
\nInlet valve body
\nDistance piece
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring
\nService kit 18S PE+TG
\nService kit 18S PE+T
\nService kit, pump 14 cm3
\nService kit airmotor
\nOperating manual 3-130S\/22-18S GER
\nOperating manual 3-130S\/22-18S ENG
\nOperating manual 3-130S\/22-18S DUT
\nOperating manual Spraypack 22-18S AC GER
\nSuction system 270
\nSSt-suction pipe-M36x2-415-cpl.
\nPiston (SP)
\nPacking assy. PE+TG
\nPacking assy. PE+TG
\nPacking assy. PE+T
\nPacking assy. PE+T
\nClamping ring pair
\nPaint stage 130S PE+TG (SP)
\nUpper packing cpl. 3-120
\nPiston seal 120 cm3 packed
\nPacking PE 42.4\/54
\nPacking TG 42.4\/54
\nSupport Ring 42.4\/54
\nPressure Ring 42.4\/54
\nPacking PE 48.3\/60
\nPacking TG 48.3\/60
\nScraper ring PE 41\/60
\nSupport Ring 41\/60
\nPressure Ring 41\/60
\nPacking T 42.4\/54
\nPacking L 42.4\/54
\nPacking T 48.3\/60
\nPacking L 48.3\/60
\nPacking washer
\nSealing washer
\nValve seat
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring
\nScrewed connector
\nValve seat
\nHalf flange
\nPacking washer
\nPiston seal
\nValve seat
\nScrewed insert
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nService kit pump 120 cm3
\nService kit pump 40 cm3
\nService kit 130S PE+TG
\nService kit 130S PE+T
\nService kit 130S PE+L
\nPiston assy. (SP)
\nPacking assy. PE+TG
\nPacking assy. PE+TG
\nPacking assy. PE+T
\nPacking assy. PE+T
\nGun outlet
\nValve seat
\nBall guide rework
\nTerminal potential cable
\nControl piston SP
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nFlange casing
\nSpring connector
\nCompression spring
\nSlide valve
\nThrust piece
\nParallel pin
\nInlet valve body
\nV-packing 70-S
\nV-packing PE
\nV-packing 70-S
\nV-packing 70-S
\nBall guide rework
\nCompression ring 70-S
\nSupport ring 70 S
\nV-packing 70-S
\nV-packing 70-S
\nCompression ring 70-S
\nSupport ring 70 S
\nV-packing 70-S
\nV-packing 70-S
\nPiston 70-S
\nTube 70-S
\nCylinder 70-S
\nInlet valve body 70-S
\nBushing 70-S
\nBushing 70-S
\nV-packing 70-S
\nBall guide
\nBall guide
\nService kit pump 70 cm3
\nService kit airmotor
\nService kit pump 70S
\nService kit pump 70 S PE\/T
\nOp. manual 28-14 \/ 66-70 GER
\nOp. manual 28-14 – 66\/70 ENG
\nConnecting piece assy.
\nFilter relier combination
\nConnection assy. 115-S
\nFilter plate
\nSupport element
\nCover for starting aid
\nPiston rod
\nPiston 115-S
\nTube 115-S
\nCylinder 115-S
\nBall guide 115-S
\nValve seat 70S, 90S, 115S
\nService kit airmotor
\nService kit pump 115-S
\nOil sealing cap cpl.
\nOptical level reading cpl.
\nPump 90 cm3 S PE+TG
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nSupport ring
\nV-packing leather\/plastic
\nV-packing, teflon
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nV-packing leather\/plastic
\nValve seat ring
\nInlet valve seat
\nBall guide E
\nBall seat
\nV-packing 90-S
\nV-packing 90-S
\nPiston 90-S
\nTube 90 S
\nCylinder 90 S
\nInlet valve body 90-S
\nBushing 90-S
\nBushing 90-S
\nV-packing 90-S
\nV-packing 90-S
\nCompression ring 90-S
\nSupport ring 90 S
\nV-packing 90-S
\nV-packing 90-S
\nCompression ring 90-S
\nSupport ring 90 S
\nBall guide
\nPressure spring 70-S, 90-S
\nService kit pump 90 cm3
\nService kit pump 90S
\nService kit pump 90 S PE\/T
\nAir line control unit for Airless 33-70-
\nMounting angle
\nFilter regulator
\nTransmission diaphragm for oiler
\nVisual glass for dosing
\nInspection glass with o-rings
\nO-ring for filter regulator
\nFilter element
\nSuction system rigid
\nH.P. Filter 250 bar
\nStand 22-18\/3-130 Pistonp.
\nHDPE-suction pipe-M36x2-683-cpl.
\nHDPE-suction pipe-M36x2-273-cpl.
\nMaintenance Unit
\nWall bracket 22-18S\/3-130S pistonp.
\nPressure regulator assy.
\nSuction hose assy.
\nUpper packing
\nLower packing 33-70
\nPacking lower 32-150
\nPacking upper 33-70
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nPacking lower 32-150
\nRing wrench 90-250-S
\nDrum suction 200L DN25-M36x2-E90\u00b0
\nFilter housing<\/p>\n
Adapter R1 1\/4- R1 1\/2
\nFilter housing assy.
\nSuction tube 220 mm with nut
\nSuction tube 265 mm with nut
\nSuction tube 675 mm with nut
\nSuction tube 750 mm with nut
\nSpacer assy.23-S
\nExhaust housing
\nMaterial feed pipe cpl
\nCompr. air filter assy.
\nContainer assy.
\nAir line oiler assy.
\nHDPE-suction pipe-M36x2-803-cpl.
\nHDPE-suction pipe-M36x2-413-cpl.
\nHDPE-suction pipe-M36x2-338-cpl.
\nSuction extension hose assy.
\nSuction extention hose assy.
\nDiaphragm assy.
\nPressure regulater sk-1\/4 compl.
\nTransparent bowl
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nPacking lower cpl.
\nPacking lower
\nPacking lower
\nWall bracket
\nAdapter assy.
\nPacking lower
\nPacking lower
\nHDPE-suction pipe-M36x2-318-cpl.
\nSealing ring
\nDiaphragm assy.
\nWear parts set
\nExhaust tube
\nTransparent bowl
\nDouble nipple with 2×60\u00b0 530bar
\nBarrel nipple
\nDouble nipple with 2×60\u00b0 530bar
\nReturn flow fitting
\nFilter housing
\nName plate, filter
\nFilter housing
\nValve screw
\nUpper housing
\nLower housing
\nLock nut
\nContainer hook-up
\nSuction nipple
\nSelector shaft assy.
\nService kit, HP filter
\nSupport element
\nHandwheel SP
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nLower packing cpl.
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nLower packing cpl.
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nLower packing cpl.
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nLower packing cpl.
\nAdapter NPR-90
\nAdapter NPR-150
\nAdapter assy.40S
\nAdapter assy.150-S
\nUpper packing assy.L+PE
\nCover suction 200L DN25-M36x2-E90\u00b0
\nUpper packing assy.PE+TG
\nLower packing assy.PE+TG
\nUpper packing assy.L+PE 250S
\nLower packing assy.L+PE
\nUpper packing assy.PE+TG 250S
\nLower packing assy.PE+TG 250-S
\nPressure gauge assy.0-600bar
\nFilter assy.m 36 x 2
\nSuction filter G1\u00bd”-MW1.25
\nFRC Recirculation pipe
\n“Flex suction hose DN38-G1\u00bd””-S”
\nC spanner 23-S
\nCap head pin extra work
\nCap head screw extra work
\nFork wrench
\nMaintenance Unit 2KC
\nDiaphragm assy.
\nInspection glass
\nFilter insert
\nPressure gauge
\nWear parts set
\nFilter insert
\nContainer assy. plastic
\nInspection glass
\nService manual S-pumps german
\nService manual Lumo S german
\nService manual Lumo S english
\nWear parts set
\nContainer assy. metal
\nMetal bowl assy.
\nSealing kit
\nMounting set
\nSpraypack 28-23 S AC stand
\nControl piston assy. SP
\nSpacer assy. 23-S
\nTool cpl.23-S
\nSpace lamina
\nAir regulator 22-18\/3-130
\nAicoat regulator 22-18
\nPiston rod
\nControl housing
\nControl sleeve
\nControl sleeve
\nDrive coupler
\nTorsion spring right
\nRocker arm
\nSpring support
\nControl rod
\nTorsion spring left
\nFilter mat
\nPressure gauge
\ndiaphragm with secondary ventilation
\nO-ring for pressure gauge lock
\nPiston 23-S
\nInlet valve body 23-S
\nBushing 23-S
\nBushing 23-S
\nBall guide 23-S
\nCompression ring 23-S
\nSupport ring 23-S
\nV-packing teflon
\nV-packing PE
\nCompression ring 23-S
\nSupport ring 23-S
\nV-packing teflon
\nV-packing PE
\nSpring pin 23-S
\nSleeve 23-S
\nSupport ring 23-S
\nSupport ring 23-S
\nControl housing<\/p>\n
Valve seat
\nStand 23-S
\nService kit airmotor NW76
\nService kit pump 23-S
\nOp.manual 28-23-S GER
\ 28-23-S SPA
\nSpacer assy. 250-S
\nAdapter 250-S assy.
\n“Elbow connection DN38 G1\u00bd”””” E90\u00b0”
\nRelief combination assy.
\nDistance plate
\nSpacer sleeve
\nPiston rod
\nPiston 250 S
\nV-packing 250-S
\nV-packing 250-S
\nV-packing 250-S
\nV-packing 250 S
\nInlet valve body 250-S
\nSpring 250-S
\nInlet valve body 250-S-HD
\nE-valve sheet 250-S
\nBall guide 250 S HD
\nBushing 250 S
\nSpacer ring 250-S
\nSpacer ring 250-S<\/p>\n
\nPressure spring
\nV-Ring 250-s-t
\nV-Ring 250-s-t
\nCompression ring 250-S
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring 250 S
\nSupport ring
\nBushing 250-S
\nReducing double nipple with 1×60\u00b0
\nE-valve sheet 250-S-HP
\nService kit pump 250-S PE-TG
\nService kit pump 250-S-HD
\ 66-250 S GER
\nBarrel nipple
\nSpacer cpl. 200 S
\nPiston SP
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring
\nBall guide A
\nV-packing, leather\/plastic
\nV-packing, leather\/plastic
\nName plate 15-150 D
\nPiston rod
\nDamping washer
\nHollow screw
\nThreaded plug
\nInlet valve seat
\nV-packing leather
\nV-packing leather
\nV-packing 150-S
\nV-packing 150-S
\nPiston 150-S
\nTube 150 S
\nBushing 150\/200 S
\nBushing 150\/200 S
\nSleeve S
\nV-packing 150-S
\nV-packing 150-S
\nCompression ring 150\/200-S
\nSupport ring 150\/200-S
\nV-packing T
\nV-packing PE
\nCompression ring 150\/200-S
\nSupport ring 150\/200-S
\nPiston 200-S
\nCylinder 200-S
\nShim 61
\nCirclip 85
\nBall guide
\nSupport ring 150-S
\nSealing ring
\nPressure spring 150-S, 200-S, 250-S
\nService kit air motor 250mm
\nService kit pump 150\/200 PE\/T
\nService kit pump 150\/200S
\nService-kit pump 200S-HD
\nPacking cpl. TG
\nPacking cpl. TG + L
\nPacking kpl. PE + TG
\nPump 580cm3 TG + L stainless
\nV-packing leather\/plastic
\nV-packing TG
\nCompression spring
\nSpacer ring
\nInlet valve body
\nValve housing
\nCompression spring conical
\nSupport ring
\nValve guide
\nCompression ring
\nValve plate
\nPiston seal 580cm3 packed
\nPiston SP
\nLower packing cpl.
\nUpper packing cpl.
\nAir line control unit for Airless (1\/2″)
\nAir line control unit for Aircoat 28-40-
\nDamping plate
\nValve screw
\nBall guide E
\nBall guide A
\nValve seat ring
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nSupport ring
\nCompression ring
\nDistance plate
\nThreaded plug
\nValve bottom casing
\nValve top casing
\nValve piston
\nSpring disc
\nCompression spring
\nSpring conical
\nCover for starting aid
\nPiston rod
\nValve seat
\nSpring pin
\nV-packing PE
\nV-packing PE
\nPacking 40-s
\nV-packing 40-S
\nV-packing 40-S
\nCompression ring 40-S
\nSupport ring
\nV-packing 40-S
\nV-packing 40-S
\nCompression ring 40-S
\nSupport ring 40 S
\nPacking 40-s
\nPacking 40-s
\nBall guide
\nBall guide rework
\nPiston 40-S
\nTube 40 S
\nCylinder 40 S
\nInlet valve body 40-S
\nPressure gauge union
\nFilter housing
\nPiston 40-KS
\nValve seat 40-KS
\nValve seat 40-KS
\nBushing 40-KS
\nCompression ring 40-KS
\nCompresson ring 40-KS
\nCompression spring 40-KS
\nCompression spring 40-S
\nPressure spring 40-S
\nBall guide 40-S
\nFilter regulator
\nReducer with PTFE sealing
\nDiaphragm with secondary ventilation
\nTappet for regulator
\nRegulator knob
\nValve bottom casing
\nService kit airmotor
\nService kit pump 40 cm3
\nOperating manual 28-40 GER
\nService kit pump 40-S
\nService kit pump 40 S PE\/T
\nService manual 17-40AC D
\nAircoat nozzle 11\/50 flat
\nSeal kit assy.
\nAircoat nozzle 09\/50 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 13\/50 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 15\/50 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 18\/50 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 09\/20 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 11\/20 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 13\/20 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 15\/20 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 18\/20 flat
\nHead piece E’STATIC
\nControl valve cpl.
\nSwivel joint assy.
\nSwivel joint assy.
\nTrigger part-fitted
\nConnecting piece assy.
\nConnecting piece assy.
\nAir hose assy
\nBracket EAC
\nUnion nut
\nSealing nipple
\nCompression seal
\nRetaining ring
\nFitting seal
\nConnecting piece
\nvalve plate
\nTip body
\nTip nut
\nRetainer ring
\nPin M16x1,5
\nScrewed connector
\nTip 11\/80 flat
\nTip 15\/20 flat
\nBracket, StatiCoating
\nMixing tube assy
\nAircoat nozzle 09\/10 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 09\/60 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 11\/10 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 11\/80 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 13\/10 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 13\/80 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 15\/10 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 15\/80 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 18\/80 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 21\/80 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 26\/50 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 31\/50 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 36\/50 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 07\/40 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 21\/20 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 09\/40 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 11\/40 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 13\/40 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 15\/40 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 18\/40 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 21\/40 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 11\/60 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 13\/60 flat
\nAircoat nozzle 15\/60 flat
\nSealing screw
\nLock washer
\nPaint channel 600
\nDouble nipple
\nService kit G 100 AC
\nNozzle spanner assy.
\nEarthing cable assy.
\nDistribution plate
\nAdapter cpl. EAC
\nEjector assy.
\nCap cpl.
\nNozzle screw joint
\nNozzle screw joint holder
\nSafety bolt
\nNozzle screw joint assy.
\nNozzle insert R11
\nNozzle insert R12
\nNozzle insert R13
\nNozzle insert R14
\nNozzle insert R15
\nNozzle insert R16
\nNozzle insert R17
\nNozzle insert R18
\nNozzle insert R19
\nNozzle insert R20
\nNozzle insert R21
\nNozzle insert R22
\nNozzle insert R12 selected
\nSpares kit control unit
\nNozzle screw joint assy.
\nSupport assy
\nThermometer o-100 degree
\nTip cleaning attachment EACF Brillant
\nTip cleaning attachment EACF
\nTip cleaning adapter AC
\nInline Filter rotatable-M16x1,5-PN270
\nAir hose assy 5m
\nProtective sleeving, 7 m
\nProtective sleeving, 9.5 m
\nMains cable assy
\nMains cable assy.
\nAdapter assy.
\nCap EAC F B
\nSpacer EACF B
\nACR nozzle adjustable
\nACR nozzle assy. adjustble
\nHose pack CH
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 07\/10
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 09\/10
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 11\/10
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 13\/10
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 15\/10
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 07\/20
\nNozzle acf-brillant 9\/20
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 11\/20
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 13\/20
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 15\/20
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 17\/20
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 19\/20
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 21\/20
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 09\/30
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 11\/30
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 13\/30
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 15\/30
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 17\/30
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 19\/30
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 05\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 07\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 09\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 11\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 13\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 15\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 17\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 19\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 21\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 23\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 25\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 27\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 29\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 31\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 35\/40
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 09\/50
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 11\/50
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 13\/50
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 15\/50
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 17\/50
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 19\/50
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 21\/50
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 09\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 11\/60
\nD\u00fcse ACF-Brillant 13\/60
\nTip ACF-BRillant 15\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 17\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 19\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 21\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 23\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 25\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 27\/60
\nnozzle ACF-Brillant 29\/60<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Wagner GmbH \u5fb7\u56fd\u74e6\u683c\u7eb3\u516c\u53f8–\u521b\u5efa\u4e8e1946\u5e74\uff0c\u662f\u4e00\u5bb6\u81f4\u529b\u4e8e\u8868\u9762\u6d82\u88c5\u8bbe\u5907\u7684\u7814\u5236\u3001\u751f\u4ea7\u3001\u9500\u552e\u7684\u8de8\u56fd\u96c6\u56e2\u516c\u53f8\uff0c\u603b\u90e8\u8bbe\u5728\u5fb7\u56fd\u6ce2\u987f\u6e56\u7554\u7684\u9a6c\u514b\u591a\u592b\uff0c\u5728\u5fb7\u56fd\u3001\u745e\u58eb\u3001\u7f8e\u56fd\u5404\u8bbe\u6709\u751f\u4ea7\u5382\uff0c\u5168\u7403\u6709\u4e09\u5341\u591a\u5bb6\u5168\u8d44\u5b50\u516c\u53f8\u548c\uff0c\u5e74\u9500\u552e\u989d\u8fbe\u56db\u4ebf\u591a\u6b27\u5143\u3002 https:\/\/\/sv\/1a13898c-190537bfe6e\/1a13898c-190537bfe6e.mp4 \u5fb7\u56fd\u74e6\u683c\u7eb3\u516c\u53f8\u6ce8\u91cd\u4e8e\u65b0\u4ea7\u54c1\u7684\u7814\u5236\u548c\u5f00\u53d1\uff0c\u6ee1\u8db3\u6d82\u88c5\u9ad8\u54c1\u8d28\u3001\u9ad8\u6548\u76ca\u53ca\u73af\u4fdd\u65b9\u9762\u7684\u9700\u6c42\u3002\u516c\u53f8\u751f\u4ea7\u7684\u7c89\u672b\u3001\u6cb9\u6f06\u55b7\u6d82\u8bbe\u5907\u5177\u6709\u6280\u672f\u542b\u91cf\u9ad8\u3001\u751f\u4ea7\u6548\u7387\u9ad8\u3001\u8fd0\u884c\u6210\u672c\u4f4e\u7684\u7279\u70b9\uff0c\u4ea7\u54c1\u5728\u6d82\u88c5\u9886\u57df\u91cc\u5904\u4e8e\u4e16\u754c\u5730\u4f4d\u7535\u8bdd\uff1a 021-51085161 \u4f20\u771f\uff1a 021-51870910 Mail\uff1a \u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550 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\u4f18\u52bf\u8fdb\u53e3\u4ea7\u54c1\u4e3b\u8981\u6709\uff1a\u4f20\u611f\u5668\uff0c\u6d4b\u901f\u7535\u673a\uff0c\u63a5\u8fd1\u5f00\u5173\uff0c\u7535\u5b50\u5c3a\uff0c\u7f16\u7801\u5668\uff0c\u63a7\u5236\u5668\u3001\u5206\u6790\u4eea\uff0c\u5149\u7ea4\uff0c\u5149\u6805\uff0c\u63d2\u88c5\u9600\uff0c\u62a5\u8b66\u706f\uff0c\u7535\u7f06\uff0c\u62d6\u94fe\uff0c\u5206\u914d\u5668\uff0c\u9a6c\u8fbe\uff0c\u51cf\u901f\u673a\uff0c\u7ee7\u7535\u5668\u3001\u7f13\u51b2\u5668\u548c\u8fdb\u53e3\u4e94\u91d1\u7b49\u3002 \u4f18\u52bf\u4ea7\u54c1 E65-93221-H200-H020 \u4f18\u52bf\u4ea7\u54c1 FDC-1100 Wagner 390915 \u55b7\u5634\u56fa\u5b9a\u5668 Wagner 390325 \u55b7\u5634 Wagner 3131047 Filterpatrone KE 2767 TI 15-10 \u6ee4\u82af Wagner EPG-SpraintX+PEM-X1CG WAGNER ZIP80 Nr:GP22.07AB Wagner Insert filterRed 180MA\/0.084 nn MW 0034383 Wagner Compression spring 1.4*5.7mm 9994273 WAGNER Encoder gun SS […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"footnotes":"","_links_to":"","_links_to_target":""},"categories":[45],"tags":[],"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/3519"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=3519"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/3519\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=3519"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=3519"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/\/en\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=3519"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}